Jangdokdae reminds me of my mother. It is noticeable to see people making red pepper paste and soybean paste according to the season.
Mom… you’re far away now, but every pot smells like home and mother.
장독대를 보면 엄마가 생각난다. 계절에 맞춰 고추장, 된장을 담그시던 모습이 눈에 선하다, 지금은 멀리 떨어져 계시지만 항아리만 보면 고향집과 엄마의 냄새가 나는듯 하다.
- Size: 61x50cm
- Medium: Oil on canvas
- Date Created: 2021
- Price: $800 (incl.GST)
- Facebook: Woo Sook Lee